Authentication successful! The cookies have been set.

". $auth_msg . "Your password (MD5 encrypted) is: $auth_password_en"; } else { $auth_msg = "Authentication error!"; } } if (($_GET[act]=="dl")&&$_GET[file]) { if ($auth_ReqPass != 1 || ($auth_ReqPass == 1 && isset($fum_user) && !isset($logout))) { if ($auth_ReqPass != 1 || ($auth_ReqPass == 1 && authDo($fum_user, $fum_pass))) { $value_de=base64_decode($_GET[file]); $dl_full=$dir_store."/".$value_de; $dl_name=$value_de; if (!file_exists($dl_full)) { echo"ERROR: Cannot download file, it does not exist.
back"; exit(); } header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$dl_name"); header("Content-Length: ".filesize($dl_full)); header("Accept-Ranges: bytes"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Content-transfer-encoding: binary"); @readfile($dl_full); exit(); } } } function getlast($toget) { $pos=strrpos($toget,"."); $lastext=substr($toget,$pos+1); return $lastext; } function replace($o) { $o=str_replace("/","",$o); $o=str_replace("\\","",$o); $o=str_replace(":","",$o); $o=str_replace("*","",$o); $o=str_replace("?","",$o); $o=str_replace("<","",$o); $o=str_replace(">","",$o); $o=str_replace("\"","",$o); $o=str_replace("|","",$o); return $o; } ?> <? echo ($title) ? ($title) : ("File Upload Manager"); ?> Software Downloads

���Ẻ����� ˹ѧ����ѭ�һ�������ҧ� ᨡ��� (���������)

& Spreadsheets for Engineer. (����Ѻ���ǡ����͡Ẻ)

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"); } } ?>

 v  © thepeak"; ?>

ERROR: cannot access the upload store file directory. please chmod the \"$dir_store\" directory with value 0777 (xrw-xrw-xrw)!

refresh"; } else { if (!$_FILES[fileupload]) { ?>
rename to:
file types allowed: count($file_ext_allow)-1))$commas=", ";else $commas=""; list($key,$value)=each($file_ext_allow); echo $value.$commas; } ?>
file size limit: = 1048576) { $file_size_ind_rnd = round(($file_size_ind/1024000),3) . " MB"; } elseif ($file_size_ind >= 1024) { $file_size_ind_rnd = round(($file_size_ind/1024),2) . " KB"; } elseif ($file_size_ind >= 0) { $file_size_ind_rnd = $file_size_ind . " bytes"; } else { $file_size_ind_rnd = "0 bytes"; } echo "$file_size_ind_rnd"; ?>
"." && $readdir<>".." && $readdir != "index.html") { $filearr[] = $readdir; } $sort=array(); for($i=1;$i<=count($filearr);$i++) { $key = sizeof($filearr)-$i; $file = $filearr[$key]; $sort[$i]=$file; } asort($sort); } ?>
admin tools: none"; } if ($file_del_allow == 1 && $file_list_allow == 1 && (count($filearr) >= 1)) { echo"<delete all files>"; } if ($auth_ReqPass == 1) { echo" <log-out>"; } ?>

= 1)) { ?> = 48) { $value_view = substr($value_view, 0, 45) . '...'; } ?> "; } } ?>
= 1048576) { $show_filesize = number_format(($file_size / 1048576),2) . " MB"; } elseif ($file_size >= 1024) { $show_filesize = number_format(($file_size / 1024),2) . " KB"; } elseif ($file_size >= 0) { $show_filesize = $file_size . " bytes"; } else { $show_filesize = "0 bytes"; } echo "$show_filesize"; ?> <��Ŵ> | <dl>"; } else { echo"<download>"; } if ($file_del_allow == 1) { echo" | <delete>"; } else { echo" "; } ?>
\nViewPopup =\"$dir_store/$value_de\", \"fum_viewfile\", \"toolbar=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,location=no,width=640,height=480\")\nViewPopup.document.bgColor=\"#F7F7F7\"\nViewPopup.document.close()\n"; echo"
 file opened!

If the file did not display, you must disable your popup manager, or enable javascript in your browser."; } elseif (($_GET[act]=="del")&&$_GET[file]) { $value_de = base64_decode($_GET[file]); @unlink($dir_store."/$value_de"); echo"
 file has been deleted!
back"; } if ($_GET[act]=="delall") { $handle = opendir($dir_store); while($file=readdir($handle)) if (($file != ".")&&($file != "..")) @unlink($dir_store."/".$file); closedir($handle); echo"
 all files have been deleted!
back"; } } else { echo"

"; $uploadpath=$dir_store."/"; $source=$_FILES[fileupload][tmp_name]; $fileupload_name=$_FILES[fileupload][name]; $weight=$_FILES[fileupload][size]; for($i=0;$i ERROR: your file type is not allowed (".getlast($fileupload_name)."), or you didn't specify a file to upload.
back"; } else { if ($weight>$file_size_ind) { echo"
 ERROR: please get the file size less than ".$file_size_ind." BYTES (".round(($file_size_ind/1024),2)." KB)
back"; } else { foreach($_FILES[fileupload] as $key=>$value) { echo"$key : $value
"; } echo "
"; $dest = ''; if (($source != 'none') && ($source != '' )) { $dest=$uploadpath.$fileupload_name; if ($dest != '') { if (file_exists($uploadpath.$fileupload_name)) { echo"
 ERROR: that file has already been uploaded before, please choose another file
back"; } else { if (copy($source,$dest)) { if ($_POST[rename]) { $_POST[rename]=replace($_POST[rename]); $exfile=explode(".",$fileupload_name); if (@rename("$dir_store/$fileupload_name","$dir_store/$_POST[rename].".getlast($fileupload_name))) { echo"
 file has been renamed to $_POST[rename].".getlast($fileupload_name)."!
"; } } echo"
 file has been uploaded!
back"; } else { echo"
 ERROR: cannot upload, please chmod the dir to 777
back"; } } } } } } } } #/# end of main script, start authentication code IF user not logged in IF $auth_ReqPass is enabled } else { echo("

 Authentication error

" . "

Delete cookies and login again

"); } } else { if (!isset($login) || isset($relogin)) { ?> - Authentication

Please enter the username and password to enter the restricted area.
You must have cookies enabled in your browser to continue.



" . "

You'll be redirected in 2 seconds!

"); } } ?>
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